Website Retainer

With our website retainer service you pre-purchase a set number of hours per month. You’ll then benefit from expert web development talent on tap – and have access to general advice & recommendations on everything web when you need it. So the next time you have a new idea for your website or come across a bug – we’ll be on hand. And the paperwork? Sorted in advance. No need to check if we’ve got time in our schedule, ask for a quote or sign a purchase order. Just assign the task and go.

Wordpress Logo
Shopify Plus Logo
Hubspot Logo
WooCommerce Logo

As a business leader – your priority is growth

Your time is too valuable to be spent:

Testing out plugins and apps for your website to find the perfect solution

The marketing says “just install and activate” but the reality is far from it. Finding plugins, reviewing which one to use and deciding how much of the marketing talk or so called “reviews” to believe can suck up your time. To top it off many of these solutions can later fail and cause you a bigger problem with your website when the plugin developers fail to keep it up to date, or when new plugins you add don’t play nice with the existing code.

Finding code snippets online and testing them on your website

There’s a lot of free code snippets and information online, and tools like ChatGPT can help as well. But adding random snippets of code to your website is a game of roulette. At some point your luck may run out, or you’ll need something which goes beyond the basics. Also as your site becomes more popular and your business grows – downtime or bugs starts to get very costly in terms of lost sales and increased pressure on customer support teams.

Reviewing the impact of every SEO algorithm update

Sifting through the noise to find the truth takes a lot of time, and can steer your whole strategy in the wrong direction. By the time you’ve got a grip on what needs to be done to save your search rankings, the next update will be just around the corner.

Guiding team members through technical tasks

Using up time which could be spent reaching new customers teaching team members for a task they’ll struggle with initially – and then will have forgotten how to do the next time the same situation arises.

Writing out technical specifications and checklists for every website change you want to make

Often the idea is simple but the implementation can be done in more than 1000 different ways. When you have an idea or change of strategy you should be able to move quickly to implementation, rather than spend time figuring out the technical details or briefing team members so that they keep the non visible aspects like website performance, seo and accessibility in mind.

Overcoming technical roadblocks because the technical debt is just too high

Technical debt refers to the extra effort and cost incurred when taking shortcuts or making sub-optimal decisions in software development. These shortcuts may seem beneficial in the short term, but they can lead to long-term problems that can be costly and time-consuming to fix. Sometimes you’ll want to make a change to your website that should be straightforward but because of a build up of technical debt it’s going to take weeks or months to get there. And this is the time that your competitors pounce.

Instead, with an expert team from Kahunam by your side you’ll be able to:

mock up of kahunam

Ask for changes in simple terms – and trust they will be completed well

There’s only so much that one person can do in a day. Save your cognitive energy for the big things and leave the rest to us. It works just like this, make a simple request, and our team will work on the plan for how to implement it. If we need further input from you we’ll ask, otherwise you can trust that we’re on it.

mock up of kahunam

Spend your time on growing your business and developing your team

You’ll be able to focus on your strategy and goals, meaning you’ll get there faster. With web experts by your side when you need them you’ll be more nimble and adaptable than your competitors. So when the market changes and you tweak your strategy, your site will be up to date.

What Can You Use the Hours For?









How Tasks Are Managed

Adding tasks:
The client can request tasks at any time by email

a screenshot of client quest in chat box

Managing tasks:
Tasks are managed in a Notion board.

a screenshot of client request via notion board

The client will have access via a private preview link so they can check on the progress of tasks, and check what’s in the backlog. We’ll also communicate task status individually by email.

FAQS about Web Development Retainers

Q: What types of tasks can I use the retainer hours for?

A: Retainer hours can be used for a wide range of development tasks including, but not limited to, feature enhancements, performance optimization, security improvements, content updates, technical seo improvements and design modifications.

Q: Can unused hours be rolled over to the next month?

A: For month to month agreements a maximum of 50% of unused hours can roll on to the next month. For 12 month term agreements unused hours rollover at the end of the month – a maximum of 150% of a standard month’s hours can roll over to the following month. For example on a 30 hour retainer, the maximum hours that can roll over would be: 45 hours.

Q: What about national holidays, training days or sickness?

A: In the event of national holidays, training days or sickness we’ll make arrangements to communicate with the client and will plan resources around these dates in order to maintain a good pace of delivery. Similarly we will be understanding if briefs for current tasks or required feedback to continue developing current tasks are delayed by holidays, training days or sickness on the client’s side.

Q: What happens if I need more hours than my plan allocates?

A: If your needs exceed your chosen package, additional hours can be purchased if there is development capacity that month. We also offer the flexibility to upgrade to a higher tier plan that better fits your growing requirements.

Q: How does billing work?

A: An invoice will be raised at the start of each billing cycle. Payment terms will be 30 days from invoice issued.


Web Development (WordPress, Hubspot, Shopify), Static Sites,
AWS Serverless, Technical SEO, Pagespeed Optimisation
Integration & APIs

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