Privacy Policy


Here is the updated privacy policy for Kahunam Ltd. Kahunam refers to the company Kahunam Ltd. Kahunam Ltd is a company registered in Scotland No SC776768. Our registered office address is 272 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4JR, Scotland.

Commitment to Privacy

Kahunam respects your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal data. It is Kahunam’s policy to respect your privacy regarding any personal information we may collect and process about you.

Scope of Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy outlines:

  • what data we collect from you
  • what we do with that data
  • who we share that data with
  • what reasons we rely on to process your data
  • your rights in relation to our use of your data

Definition of Personal Information

Personal information is any information relating to you which can be used to identify you. This includes, but is not limited to, information directly about you (for example your name, address, and date of birth), information about your devices, payment details, and information about your interactions with our digital services such as our website, and your interactions with our products and services.

Third-Party Links

Our website may contain links to third-party websites/apps. We have no control over the privacy policies of these third parties. This privacy policy does not extend to cover your use of those services. We advise you to read the privacy policy information of third-party websites/apps when you interact with these websites/apps.

Policy Version and Updates

Policy version: 1.0
Last updated: 19th May 2024

Data Controller / Data Processor

The UK GDPR distinguishes between organisations that process personal information for their own purposes (“data controllers”) and organisations that process personal information on behalf of other organizations (“data processors”). We are a Data Controller with respect to the personal information you provide to us.

Data We Collect

Personally Identifiable Data

Data that can directly identify you.


  • Your name
  • Your email address
  • Your phone number
  • Your company name

Client Data

Data about our clients and their projects that we manage as part of providing our web development services.


  • Client contact details
  • Project briefs and requirements
  • Website content, code, and assets
  • Invoices and payment records

Recruitment & HR Data

Data about job applicants, employees, and contractors required to facilitate employment, assess performance, and maintain HR records.


  • CVs and application details
  • Interview notes
  • Payroll and tax information
  • Performance reviews

Device Data

Data sent to us by the devices that you use to interact with our website and digital services.


  • Device type and operating system
  • Unique device identifiers
  • IP address
  • Browser type and version

Preference Data

Data about your preferences in relation to our services.


  • Cookie consent preferences
  • Email marketing preferences

Communications Data

Data about communications we have sent to you or received from you, including the content and metadata.


  • Emails and website contact form submissions
  • Phone call records
  • Meeting notes

How We Get the Personal Information and Why We Have It

Most of the personal information we process is provided to us directly by you when you:

  • Contact us via our website or by phone/email
  • Become a client and use our web development services
  • Apply for a job with us
  • Work with us as an employee or contractor

Purpose of Data Collection

We use the information we collect for the following purposes:

  • To provide our web development services to clients
  • For recruitment of employees and contractors
  • For management of employee and contractor HR records
  • To communicate with clients, partners, and suppliers
  • For business development and marketing
  • To operate and improve our website and digital services
  • For internal administration and record keeping
  • To comply with legal obligations

Data Sharing

We may share this information with:

  • Employees and contractors of Kahunam Ltd
  • Subcontractors who assist us in providing services to clients
  • Courts, government authorities, or law enforcement if required by law
  • An entity that acquires our business or assets

Lawful Bases for Processing

Under the UK GDPR, the lawful bases we rely on for processing this information are:

  • Consent: Your consent, when you give us permission to process your data for a specific purpose. You can withdraw consent at any time by contacting us.
  • Contractual Obligation: When processing is necessary to fulfill a contract with you or because you’ve asked us to take specific steps before entering into a contract.
  • Legal Obligation: When we need to process your data to comply with the law.
  • Legitimate Interests: When we have a business reason to process your information that does not unfairly go against your rights and freedoms. Our legitimate interests are:
    • Providing high-quality web development services to clients
    • Developing and growing our business
    • Keeping our website and systems secure
    • Preventing fraud
    • Ensuring we fulfill our legal and contractual duties efficiently

Data Security

We have security measures in place to protect the data we process. However, transmission and storage of data can never be completely secure. If you have an account with us, please keep your login details safe.

Data Retention

We keep personal data only for as long as needed to fulfil the purposes we collected it for. When no longer required, data will be securely deleted, usually within 3 months. We may keep data for longer if necessary to comply with legal, accounting, or reporting obligations.

Your Data Protection Rights

Under data protection law, you have rights including:

  • The right to access your personal data
  • The right to have inaccurate data corrected
  • The right to have your data erased in certain circumstances
  • The right to restrict or object to processing
  • The right to data portability

Contact us at [email protected] if you wish to exercise any of your rights. You can also make a complaint to the ICO, the UK data protection regulator.

International Data Transfers

Data we collect may be stored and processed outside of the UK, including in countries without the same level of data protection as the UK. If so, we put safeguards in place to ensure your data is protected. You can request details of these safeguards by contacting us.

Changes to This Policy

We may update this privacy notice from time to time. We recommend you review it regularly.

Contact Us

For questions about this privacy policy or your data, please contact:

Kahunam Ltd
272 Bath Street
Glasgow, G2 4JR

Email: [email protected]

Contact Us