How To Promote a Website – 5 Strategic Methods


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How to promote a website is a common question for many businesses. You might make a significant investment of time and money in creating an impressive website, but it means nothing if nobody sees it.

If you’re struggling to keep your site visible among competitors, Kahunam is here to help. In this article we’ve highlighted five methods to promote your website.

The 5 best ways to promote a website

By following and doing these properly, you will be able to achieve your goal.

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)

SEO, or search engine optimisation, is one of the most important techniques. SEO is all about making your website friendly to Google’s algorithm. This helps your site rank higher, garnering immediate attention when people search for your industry.

You can undertake SEO on your own, as there are numerous guides available online. Alternatively, working with an SEO agency can accelerate results, as they possess technical expertise in the field.

When optimising for SEO, there are three key areas to focus on:

  • On-page SEO: involves optimising the content, structure and tech stack of your website, including text, images, videos, internal links, meta descriptions, tags and URL slugs.
  • Off-page SEO is a method of external actions related to your website, such as link building from guest blogging and social media channels.
  • Local SEO involves optimising your Google My Business profile. To verify a Google My Business listing, you may receive a code from Google via postcard, phone call, or email to confirm your business’s location and authenticity.

SEO is a long-term endeavour that requires continuous monitoring and optimisation. Immediate significant traffic to your site won’t happen overnight; it takes months and a lot of effort to see substantial numbers.

a person is check his website traffic on a notebook

Create a buzz on social media

Your website and social media platforms are owned assets of your company. Connecting them is essential for maximising their impact.

Many individuals leverage platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn to drive traffic back to their websites. They do this by devising creative plans that encourage audiences to visit their sites from social channels. Strategies include offering free items, providing insightful blog posts, or promoting services.

The key lies in using Call-to-Action (CTA) elements effectively. Convincing people to transition from social media to a website requires a deep understanding of the audience and social media algorithms.

Organic methods involve creating compelling content that addresses audience pain points, enticing them to visit your site for more information.

Understanding the purpose of each platform is vital. LinkedIn, for instance, is ideal for B2B interactions. Instagram and Facebook are more casual, while X (Twitter) excels in sharing and fostering conversations.

Paid social media advertising is another avenue to explore when considering how to promote a website. Most platforms offer advertising services that can be utilised to reach a broader audience. Investing in high-quality content and strategically allocating funds can yield significant results, even with a limited budget.

Invest in guest blogging

Guest blogging is a popular backlink-building technique in SEO. By contributing articles to reputable blogs within your industry, you can secure backlinks to your site, thereby driving traffic.

Finding suitable sites can be challenging, as many conduct thorough reviews of article submissions. It’s essential to research and select blogs with high authority scores to avoid any negative impact on your site. Some sites may also charge for article submissions, offering another option if budget allows.

While guest blogging is an SEO strategy, the content should not solely focus on SEO tactics. Instead, it should prioritise engagement and audience interest, helping foster relationships with publishers within your industry.

Execute Email Marketing campaigns

Email marketing provides a direct means of how to promote a website. Tools like Mailchimp can be employed to launch campaigns for special events such as a new website launch or feature updates.

For effective implementation, it’s advisable to segment your email campaigns based on different audience groups. Tailoring content to each group ensures engagement and encourages visits to your site.

For new audiences unfamiliar with your website, provide brief explanations of who you are, your services, and unique selling points (USPs).

For existing subscribers obtained through website sign-ups, share engaging content such as blog posts, giveaways, promotions, etc., to entice them to visit your site.

When conducting email marketing campaigns to promote your site, aim for sophistication and avoid appearing spammy. Invest in appealing titles and content, both visually and in writing.

a loading screen of gmail on a laptop

Launch PPC (Pay-Per-Click) campaigns

PPC advertising, offered by Google, enables easy promotion of your company across its network. With a new website, consider launching search or display campaigns. While this requires a budget, strategic advertising can yield significant results.

To drive traffic to your site, optimise your ads to appear at the top of search results. Ad position is influenced by factors such as quality score, keyword relevance, and ad performance. For search campaigns, target keywords with low cost-per-click to avoid bidding against competitors. In display campaigns, leverage creativity and high-quality imagery to capture attention.

On Google Ads, you can set either a lifetime budget or daily spending limit. If your budget is limited, opting for a lifetime budget allows you to allocate a fixed amount for the entire campaign, ensuring the ad stops running once the funds are depleted.

How to know you have promoted your website well? 

To begin, the first step is setting up Google Analytics and Google Search Console. These are free tools provided by Google for monitoring your website. If you notice an increase in traffic to your site, it indicates that you’re on the right track. Moreover, having a good daily traffic volume suggests that your site is capturing attention from people.

The primary goal of promoting your site is to drive traffic, but another important objective is to gather data to optimise your site further. Once Google Analytics (GA) and Google Search Console (GSC) are set up, pay close attention to key metrics such as new users, returning users, time spent on site, and bounce rate. These metrics provide valuable insights:

  • New users: These are individuals who are visiting your site for the first time.
  • Returning users: This category includes people who revisit your site or return for additional visits.
  • Time on site: This metric helps gauge visitor interest and indicates whether people are spending meaningful time exploring your site.
  • Traffic source/medium: This tells you where site visitors clicked on a link and discovered your website, it helps you understand the impact of your backlinks, search engine rankings, paid advertising and social media content promotion.
  • Bounce rate: A high bounce rate suggests that visitors are quickly leaving your site after viewing only one page, which could indicate a lack of quality or relevance.

Monitoring these metrics allows you to assess the effectiveness of your promotional efforts and make informed decisions to enhance the performance and user experience of your website.


There are numerous approaches you can take to determine the objectives of how to promote a website. Our advice is to first evaluate your business and then select the most suitable strategies. You may consider options such as email marketing, SEO, PPC, among others.

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